“Prior to taking this program, I felt I should be further along in my life than where I was. I wasn’t sure what I wanted from life and who I wanted to be.

After taking this program I am sure now! I walked away with a clear focus of my goals. I was given tools, strategies and a new perspective to create significant changes in my life."

Joe McDowell, Fitness Instructor

  A Message From Jon and Chris, The Possibility Coaches™
On Creating Balance, Happiness & The Results You Want!


"For many years we chased this elusive thing called ‘happiness’. We knew there had to be a better way to create success, balance and happiness without any struggle.

We would experience great financial or career success but it always came at the expense of losing a relationship or creating a health blow-out.

Or, we would have optimum health and great relationships but it always seemed to come at the expense of financial disaster or career loss. It seemed like we could never have it all…"


Can you relate...

Until we discovered a hidden secret!  And now, you are about to learn the secret that changed our lives forever and catapulted us to a ‘balanced’ form of inner peace, success and happiness in ALL areas of our life.

Let us ask you a few questions:

Are you at a point in your life where you feel stuck and in a rut?  Or perhaps you are frustrated because you feel you should be further along than where you are right now?
Do you have success in one area of your life and want to learn how to have success and balance in ALL areas of your life?
Or, has your life “plateaued” and you want some new tools that will take you up to the next level?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then you have come to the right place at the right time and…

The Blueprint for Living Online Program is perfect for you!

Our Blueprint for Living Program provides you with solutions, tools and even some secrets that other programs leave out.

In this program you will learn about the power of "Synergetic Success"

Synergetic Success = Having Inner Peace, Success, Happiness and Balance in all areas of your life.

Did you know...

To have balance in your life means to have satisfaction and contentment?
To have inner peace means you know who you are, where you are going and how you are going to get there?
To be successful, you don't have to sacrifice your health, relationships or emotional well-being?
Creating more happiness is a process and not a payoff; therefore are you willing to continuously grow and evolve as a person?
Synergetic Success comes from applying wisdom, not knowledge to create results?

Don't just take our word for it!  Read what these spiritual teachers and leaders have to say...

"Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year."

Louise Hay
Motivational author and founder of Hay House

"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but thought about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral. It is as it is."

Eckhart Tolle
World-renowned spiritual teacher, author of the Bestseller - The Power of Now

"Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.  What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development

The Blueprint for Living Online Program will assist you to...

  •   Uncover your talents and interests.

  •   Discover your true purpose.

  •   Learn how to become your own "best friend".

  •   Achieve the results you want for you and your life.

  •   Discover new ways to believe in yourself.       

  •   Create a crystal-clear plan for success in any area of your life.

  •   Learn how to prioritize time to your advantage.

  •   Feel more confident and better about yourself.

  •   Create healthy habits for a more successful and balanced YOU.

  •   Remove the "weight of the world" from your shoulders.

  •   Experience relief from fear and worry.

  •   Learn how to properly use the Law of Attraction and 6 other Universal laws in and for your life.

So, if you want to learn more, then
The Blueprint for Living Online Program
is for YOU


Blueprint for Living has been conducted in a live classroom setting since 2008. 

NOW, this same class, with ALL of its' valuable content is available to YOU, online!  This online version makes it easy for you to receive this information anywhere in the world, at any time, right from the comfort of your home.

So who are The Possibility Coaches™?

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay are The Possibility Coaches™. They are master coaches with expertise in the areas of relationships, divorce and life challenges & transitions.

Going beyond traditional coaching, Jon and Chris have guided hundreds of individuals and couples since 2002 to create healthier relationships and lives.

Their teachings demonstrate to clients how to gain a new perspective toward relationships & life by learning a new way of thinking and feeling.

As spiritual teachers, they provide unique insight that gives clients the capacity to establish a healthy reconnection of mind, body and spirit.

Since founding Possibility Coaches in 2002, they have been empowering women and the men in their lives worldwide to live a life of meaning, passion and purpose.

Jon and Chris are authors of the highly acclaimed book "Living an Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life:
365 Daily Tips to Get You There!"


Here's What People Are Saying After Learning About Synergetic Success!

This program contains six downloadable modules which include videos & guidebooks that assist you to create the success, happiness, balance and
the inner peace you deserve

Delivered via e-mail over the next six weeks, Blueprint for Living
is THE program that IS CHANGING lives!

Module # 1:

What is Synergetic Success & Achieving Your Desired Results

Learn why Synergetic Success is the new definition of success in the 21st Century.  When you understand and apply Synergetic Success in your life, you will become an expert in achieving the results you want, rather than just dreaming about them.

Module # 2:

Live Life with Meaning, Passion and Purpose & The Science Behind Synergetic Success

We’ll give you the #1 formula for living the life you desire and the science behind harnessing the creative power that is within you.

Module # 3:

Healing the Addictive Mind & The Four-Pronged Approach to Synergetic Success

We’ll explain how the addictive human mind operates and how you can easily eliminate its’ control over you. Replace addictive behaviors with our 4-Pronged Approach for Success.

Module # 4:

Creating Beliefs and Habits for Synergetic Success & The Application of Universal Laws

We’ll help you transform your limiting beliefs and habits into healthy, success-oriented activities by practicing some very simple exercises. Become a master of the 7 Universal Laws that go way beyond the Law of Attraction.

Module # 5:

Living Life from the Inside-Out & Your Daily Method of Operation

We’ll teach you how to stop living your life backwards and create your own personal daily method of operation for your own success.

Module # 6:

Become A Role Model for Change & A Daily Commitment to Your Personal Development

This final segment teaches you the 8 Rules for having a Prosperity Conscious Mindset. These rules will assist you to gain clarity of purpose for YOUR life!  We’ll summarize the program and send you off on the next leg of your life journey as a graduate of the Blueprint for Living Online Program.

“Before enrolling in the Blueprint for Living Program, I felt stuck and in a rut with my relationships and my career. After learning about Synergetic Success, I was immediately able to take inspired action in my life. This provided me with improved relationships and greater career focus."

Lisa Kevitch, Medical Esthetician

To create success in your life, to be successful and really "feel it" can take years...and for some a lifetime.


Get instant access right now!

I understand that I will receive...

6 videos that highlight the key points of each module.
6 downloadable modules providing you with the knowledge to create success, happiness and balance in ALL areas of your life.
Each module contains two chapters from the Blueprint for Living Manual personally narrated by Jon and Chris.

Plus, When You ORDER TODAY You'll Also Receive These

Exclusive membership to the Blueprint for Living Online Forum where you will meet The Possibility Coaches Jon Satin and Chris Pattay and other class members. Have your questions answered at the forum!  Value: $47

Access to a monthly Interactive Mastermind Teleseminar where you get to meet the Possibility Coaches Jon Satin and Chris Pattay LIVE and pick their brains about creating Synergetic Success in YOUR life!  Value: $85

However, we are so committed to your success and happiness that we want to include 2 additional gifts...

The e-Book version of our book entitled:

"Living an Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life!  365 Daily Tips to Get You There!"

Reading one tip can change your day.  Reading a tip everyday can change your life!

A $9.00 Value

And a downloadable copy of our DVD entitled:

"15 Ways to Be Happier NOW!"

You have the capability and power to choose another path...

A life's journey that is empowering, enriching and satisfying!

A $9.00 Value

... that's $150.00 in gifts and bonuses alone!

Typically, the Blueprint for Living Program, by itself, sells for $497.  Plus, we are also giving you two bonuses and two gifts.  If you bought this package separately you would pay $647.

When you purchase before midnight tonight,


You Pay ONLY


However, you must act quickly to receive this offer!



To Your Success!

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay
The Possibility Coaches

Synergetic Success™ and Possibility Coaches™ are Trademarked and copyrighted

©Possibility Coaches, LLC - 2008 - All Rights Reserved

The Possibility Coaches are located in Doylestown, PA, USA. To reach them, contact 215-794-0135.

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty While the authors have used their best efforts in formulating this information, they make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. Possibility Coaches™LLC provide life-changing tools and techniques for personal growth and self-empowerment. However, they are not intended to be a substitute for medical care. If you are dealing with any sort mental or emotional disorder, the authors suggest you consult your physician and utilize this program with their supervision. The authors shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages.   The authors do not make any income claims. Individual results may vary.